4 research outputs found

    Pending Event Set Implementation

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    Táto práca sa zaoberá vytvorením knižnice v C++, ktorá implementuje rôzne varianty kalendára udalostí, ktorý sa používa na riadenia diskrétnych simulácií. Knižnica zahŕňa deväť rôznych implementácií kalendára udalostí, ktoré sú prístupné cez jednotné rozhranie. Toto rozhranie je navrhnuté tak, aby bolo jednoduché knižnicu rozšíriť o ďalšie implementácie. Okrem samotnej knižnice sa práca zaoberá aj návrhom a popisom testovacej aplikácie a zhodnotením časových zložitostí jednotlivých implementácií.This work aims to create a library in C++, which implements various variants of the pending event set, which is used in discrete simulations. The library includes nine different implementations of the pending event set, accessible through a single interface. This interface is designed to make it easy to extend the library with additional implementations. In addition to the library itself, the work also describes the design of the test application and evaluates the time complexity of individual implementations.

    A Static Analysis Tool Detecting Bugs in Signal Handlers

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    This work is about the plugin csigsafe for the GCC compiler. It uses static code analysis to detect bugs in signal handlers according the POSIX norm. This tool analyzes the source files written in C and C ++. This analyzer is created for the Red Hat, which uses it to test sRPM packages used in their Linux distributions. The tool has been tested on a sample of 37 Open Source projects. Testing has shown the utility of the tool to search for errors associated with violation of rules for proper signal handling

    Pending Event Set Implementation

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    This work aims to create a library in C++, which implements various variants of the pending event set, which is used in discrete simulations. The library includes nine different implementations of the pending event set, accessible through a single interface. This interface is designed to make it easy to extend the library with additional implementations. In addition to the library itself, the work also describes the design of the test application and evaluates the time complexity of individual implementations

    A Static Analysis Tool Detecting Bugs in Signal Handlers

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    Táto práca sa zaoberá zásuvným modulom csigsafe pre prekladač GCC. Používa statickú analýzu programov na odhalenie chýb v obsluhe signálov podla normy POSIX. Tento nástroj analyzuje zdrojové súbory v jazyku C a C++. Tento analyzátor je vytvorený pre firmu Red Hat, ktorá ho používa na testovanie sRPM balíkov určených do ich Linuxových distribúcii. Nástroj bol testovaný na vzorku 37 projektoch s volne šíriteľnými zdrojmi. Z testovania sa ukázala užitočnosť nástroja pri vyhľadávaní chýb spojených s porušením pravidiel na správnu obsluhu signálov.This work is about the plugin csigsafe for the GCC compiler. It uses static code analysis to detect bugs in signal handlers according the POSIX norm. This tool analyzes the source files written in C and C ++. This analyzer is created for the Red Hat, which uses it to test sRPM packages used in their Linux distributions. The tool has been tested on a sample of 37 Open Source projects. Testing has shown the utility of the tool to search for errors associated with violation of rules for proper signal handling.